

请注意,所有提交的文件必须是正式的, 翻译成英文, 并对其真实性和准确性进行认证.

的 I-20 immigration form will not be issued by 湖区州立大学 until the 招生 file is complete.

招生过程通常需要1-3周, 取决于LRSC收到所需的文件. If you have any questions about any part of this process feel free to contact the LRSC国际中心 at lrsc.international@furtherplatonix.net 或致电701-662-1689.



完成入学申请: 马上申请.

  • 创建帐户 然后填写表格. 有一个不可退还的35美元申请费.


  • 一年级的学生: You are a first-year student if you have not taken courses at a post-secondary institution since you graduated from high school.
  • 转移: You are a transfer student if you have taken courses from a post-secondary institution other than 湖区州立大学 after you graduated from high school.

完成财务报表. For us to issue Form I-20, you must complete the application and Financial Statement. 的 Form I-20 can be sent as early as 120 days before the start date of your program.  确保您的I-20及时交货, 请务必尽快提交文件.  请将财务报表正本邮寄. LRSC不接受财务报表的传真或扫描副本.  为应对COVID-19, SEVP允许以电子方式交付i -20. 

2023-2024 International Student Application for Form I-20 and Financial Statement

2023-2024 Canadian Student Application for Form I-20 and Financial Statement

国际成绩单. Official High School (secondary school) transcript evaluation completed by a NACES-approved organization. Processing times may vary by the organization so do this as soon as possible. LRSC must receive all transcripts by the end of the student's first semester.

  • naces认可会员名单请浏览以下网址: http://naces.org/members.html
  • Choose one of the organizations on the list and follow the instructions on the organization’s website to complete your transcript evaluation.
  • Request that your completed transcript evaluation be sent directly to 湖区州立大学.

LRSC建议使用 SpanTran or 世界教育服务(WES). 不能保证学分会转移.

  • You are required to show proof of two MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) immunizations.
  • If you are 21 years old or younger when you enter 湖区州立大学, you are also required to show proof of a meningococcal immunization after the age of 16. (If you are 22 years or older, you are not required to show proof of this immunization.) 注意: Mb型脑膜炎球菌疫苗是一种单独的脑膜炎疫苗. 它不符合这个要求.


传真: 701-662-1581
电子邮件: lrsc.international@furtherplatonix.net

Tuberculosis (TB) testing is required of international students from high-risk countries as identified by the World Health Organization and any other student determined to be at high risk for TB exposure. 来自以下三个国家的学生(结核病、结核病/艾滋病毒和耐药结核病)必须接受结核测试.

请注意: LRSC requires that immunizations are completed and on file with us before you attend class or live on campus.


  • 托福成绩525分(纸考)或65分(托福)或更高
  • 雅思成绩6分.0或更高
  • PTE-A分数在50分以上
  • 多邻国英语考试成绩达到95分以上

This test is not required of native English speakers from the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda, 澳大利亚, 巴哈马群岛, 巴巴多斯, 百慕大, 加拿大, 多米尼加, 英国, 格林纳达, 爱尔兰, 牙买加, 毛里求斯, 密克罗尼西亚(美利坚合众国), 新西兰, 圣卢西亚岛, 圣基茨和尼维斯, 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯, 苏格兰, 所罗门群岛, 特立尼达拉岛, 和多巴哥.

请注意: 湖区州立大学 does reserve the right to request an English proficiency test from any student regardless of the country of origin.

  • 托福新托福86分或以上. 达到了86分的累积分数, it is expected that the applicant reaches a minimum individual score (maximum variation of 2 points may be allowed as determined by the admission and progression committee) of: 
    • 第26课口语 
    • 20书面形式 
    • 20阅读 
    • 20听力课 
  • 多邻国英语考试成绩115分或以上. It is expected that the applicant reaches a content score (variation as determined by the admission and progression committee) of 90 in the following four areas:
    • 读写能力(阅读)
    • 理解(听)
    • 谈话(口语)
    • 生产(写作)

一旦您完成了上面列出的所有步骤, 你将收到湖区州立大学的录取通知书. 此外, you will receive a packet with your Form I-20 and instructions on how to pay the fee.



湖区州立大学 recommends Bremer Bank for students without a Social 安全 Number. 布雷默银行链接










成绩单评估是不必要的 适用于加拿大学生. An official transcript sent directly from your school to 湖区州立大学 after you have graduated is required. 的 transcript must be original and must have your graduation date listed on it.

不需要英语水平测试 以英语为母语的加拿大人.



健康保险: Canadian students are exempt from the health insurance purchase requirement, but are still expected to have health insurance that is valid in their home province. Check with your insurance company before you travel to LRSC to ensure you have adequate coverage.

收到学生签证当你有I-20文件和I-901收据时, you will be present both at the Canadian Border when you cross the border to come to school for the first time and on each subsequent trip, 从加拿大到美国所赚的钱.

*此时,i -20可以根据ICE指南2003-03通过电子邮件发送.  All I-20s will be sent to the email address on the I-20 application unless otherwise requested. 

你的I-20表格会邮寄给你. 收到I-20表格有两种选择:

联邦快递快递您的I-20表格将通过联邦快递寄出. 一般需要2-7天收到你的I-20表格. You will receive a tracking number and can track the package on its way to you. 的 cost for this option starts at $50 and varies depending on the country. 的 final cost of the Fed-Ex bill will be charged to your student account and you may pay that bill when you arrive on campus.

美国邮政局您的I-20表格将通过美国邮政寄出. 一般需要两周到几个月的时间才能收到你的包裹. 使用此方法,您无法跟踪您的包裹. 如果您选择此选项,您将不会被收取运费.

关于如何支付I-20费用的问题? 与I-20相关的费用称为I-901费用. 收到I-20表格后,去 www.fmjfee.com 然后按照说明支付350美元的费用. 一旦你支付了费用,打印收据. You will need this receipt to present with your I-20 at your visa interview (or at the Canadian Border 适用于加拿大学生).

国际学生有奖学金吗? 是的! 国际学生可以申请奖学金.

你准备好了吗?? Check out tips for international students for information on working in the U.S.、保险、适当的着装和其他规定.

医疗保险: All F-1 students who enroll at LRSC are required to purchase a medical health insurance policy which remains in effect for the duration of the study. 的 premium for coverage under this plan will be billed directly to the student. 的 annual fee must be paid in full at the beginning of the first year and before each subsequent year of study. 的 insurance will be coordinated by the International Student 招生 Office. (来自加拿大和挪威的学生除外).

你的护照护照复印件,包括护照有效期和美国签证.S. entry visa stamp in the passport with the expiration date (except Canadians) - after a student arrives on campus.

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701-662-1689 | lrsc.international@furtherplatonix.net